Welcome to the Elevate Experience! From addict to running her own rehab for over 20 years, CEO of Elevate Addiction Services, Angie Manson’s journey through recovery is an inspiring tale of overcoming adversity and finding redemption. She first experimented with drugs and alcohol at age 11 and by age 15 had dropped out of high school and was using hard drugs on a daily basis. After being arrested 7 times as a juvenile, and having an unsuccessful attempt at rehab, she continued to spiral further into addiction. As an adult, facing a 10 year prison sentence, she was forced back into rehab at the age of 20. Through the compassion of her judge and recovery mentors, Angie found her true passion and purpose for helping others like herself overcome their struggles with addiction and live an empowered life.

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Freestyle with Jeff Haycock.
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, tell a friend if you found value in the show. We appreciate your support in listening and being part of the solution!
Make sure to follow us on social - @elevateaddictionservices @angie.at.elevate
You can find us on the web -www.elevaterehab.org
With these current times, if you know anyone or are struggling with mental health/addiction yourself please reach out. There is help and there is hope, and there are solutions to these problems. Speak to our Admission Counselors at 831-740-8298
You don’t ever want to miss a podcast, so make sure you subscribe here!

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Systemic Sclerosis and Sobriety with Caitlin Nelson
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, tell a friend if you found value in the show. We appreciate your support in listening and being part of the solution!
Make sure to follow us on social - @elevateaddictionservices @angie.at.elevate
You can find us on the web -www.elevaterehab.org
With these current times, if you know anyone or are struggling with mental health/addiction yourself please reach out. There is help and there is hope, and there are solutions to these problems. Speak to our Admission Counselors at 831-740-8298
You don’t ever want to miss a podcast, so make sure you subscribe here!

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Powerful Testimony with Drew Sanchez
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Today we are in conversation with the passionate Drew Sanchez.
Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, tell a friend if you found value in the show. We appreciate your support in listening and being part of the solution!
Make sure to follow us on social - @elevateaddictionservices @angie.at.elevate @the.fellowship.inc
You can find us on the web -www.elevaterehab.org
With these current times, if you know anyone or are struggling with mental health/addiction yourself please reach out. There is help and there is hope, and there are solutions to these problems. Speak to our Admission Counselors at 831-740-8298
You don’t ever want to miss a podcast, so make sure you subscribe here!

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
BEYOND SOBER - with Kodhi Rayne
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Today we are in conversation with the vibrant Kodhi Rayne.
Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, tell a friend if you found value in the show. We appreciate your support in listening and being part of the solution!
Make sure to follow us on social - @elevateaddictionservices @angie.at.elevate @kodhi.rayne
You can find us on the web -www.elevaterehab.org
With these current times, if you know anyone or are struggling with mental health/addiction yourself please reach out. There is help and there is hope, and there are solutions to these problems. Speak to our Admission Counselors at 831-740-8298
You don’t ever want to miss a podcast, so make sure you subscribe here!

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Navigating Sobriety with My Sober Compass and Arielle Dyment.
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Today we are in conversation with the amazing Arielle Dyment!
Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, tell a friend if you found value in the show. We appreciate your support in listening and being part of the solution!
Make sure to follow us on social - @elevateaddictionservices @angie.at.elevate @mysobercompass
You can find us on the web -www.elevaterehab.org
With these current times, if you know anyone or are struggling with mental health/addiction yourself please reach out. There is help and there is hope, and there are solutions to these problems. Speak to our Admissions Counselors at 831-740-8298
You don’t ever want to miss a podcast, so make sure you subscribe here!

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
From Pebble Beach to Prisoner - with Rhonda Farrah.
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Today we are in conversation with the amazing Rhonda Farrah!
In more than 25 years as a practicing Educational Counselor and Psychotherapist, Rhonda M. Farrah, MA, DRWA has consulted with clients and companies in a variety of industries and environments. Rhonda has applied her experience and education as a coach, author, speaker, and teacher specializing in Health and Wellness Empowerment in all aspects of Life.
As a speaker, Rhonda has proved to be a highly articulate and effective communicator, recognized for her creativity; and a visionary who sees “the big picture”. Her imaginative flair has served others, and earned her recognition as a resource person, problem solver, and creative leader. Rhonda is blessed in that she excels in developing and presenting seminars and classes based on a balanced lifestyle; all including her key areas of experience ranging from Human Dynamics & Development, Motivation, to Spiritual Awareness & Development.
As a practicing LIFEstyle Empowerment Coach, Rhonda assists individuals in Empowering themselves, as well as those that surround them, thus actualizing their health and wellness goals and objectives on both personal and professional levels. Rhonda has a demonstrated talent for motivating, encouraging, and leading individuals in a positive direction for betterment and Empowerment. Rhonda’s creative endeavors are dedicated to individual Empowerment and the conscious evolution of humankind, that we may align perfectly with our Creator, fulfilling our purpose while enjoying its process…All culminating in a Collective Consciousness for the Highest and Best GOOD of ALL concerned!
Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, tell a friend if you found value in the show. We appreciate your support in listening and being part of the solution!
Make sure to follow us on social - @elevateaddictionservices @angie.at.elevate @rhonda.helpmenow
You can find us on the web -www.elevaterehab.org
With these current times, if you know anyone or are struggling with mental health/addiction yourself please reach out. There is help and there is hope, and there are solutions to these problems. Speak to our Admissions Counselors at 831-740-8298
You don’t ever want to miss a podcast, so make sure you subscribe here!

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Coming back to the breath with Johnny Longinidis.
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
On todays episode we are bringing it back to the basics. Johnny Longinidis joins us on the show as we dive into breath work, yoga, meditation and empowerment. Johnny is a Certified Breathwork Coach, Yoga instructor, and Self-Empowerment Coach. Johnny talks about his path into these conscious practices and the growth he has experienced from them. This episode is action packed and provides data and rationality to a topic that can be consider "Woo-Woo" or "Spiritual". We enjoyed every minute of this conversation and we hope you do as well.
Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, tell a friend if you found value in the show. We appreciate your support in listening and being part of the solution!
Make sure to follow us on social - @elevateaddictionservices @angie.at.elevate @johnnylonginidis
You can find us on the web -www.elevaterehab.org
With these current times, if you know anyone or are struggling with mental health/addiction yourself please reach out. There is help and there is hope, and there are solutions to these problems. Speak to our Admissions Counselors at 831-740-8298
You don’t ever want to miss a podcast, so make sure you subscribe here!

Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Conquering addiction with Brooke Wright and Katelynn Ledford-McCoy
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Todays episode is action packed. We sit down with Katelynn Ledford-McCoy, and Brooke Wright. We have had their significant others on the podcast (Chad Wright & Kallup McCoy) and they could not stop talking about how amazing their partners were; especially their testimonies about recovery from addiction. Brooke and Katelynn each tell their tale of conquering addiction and paint a story that is worth hearing ten times over. There is so much value in this episode and I could not be more proud and inspired by these two women. They both are people that walk the walk and speak the truth. Enjoy !
Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, tell a friend if you found value in the show. We appreciate your support in listening and being part of the solution!
Make sure to follow us on social - @elevateaddictionservices
@angie.at.elevate @gwy_lioness @jbrooke_wright @3_of_7project
You can find us on the web -www.elevaterehab.org
With these current times, if you know anyone or are struggling with mental health/addiction yourself please reach out. There is help and there is hope, and there are solutions to these problems. Speak to our Admissions Counselors at 831-740-8298
You don’t ever want to miss a podcast, so make sure you subscribe here!

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Fitness, faith, and mental toughness with Jac Cancel.
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Today we sit down with Jac Cancel, entrepreneur, fitness guru, and recovering substance abuser. Jac elegantly tells his story of overcoming his substance abuse behaviors and how fitness and faith in god turned his life around. Jac tells his testimony to not only recovery, but also with god and finding his faith. There are plenty of takeaways from this episode and we hope you guys enjoy the content.
Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, tell a friend if you found value in the show. We appreciate your support in listening and being part of the solution!
Make sure to follow us on social - @elevateaddictionservices @angie.at.elevate @jaccancel
You can find us on the web -www.elevaterehab.org
With these current times, if you know anyone or are struggling with mental health/addiction yourself please reach out. There is help and there is hope, and there are solutions to these problems. Speak to our Admissions Counselors at 831-740-8298
You don’t ever want to miss a podcast, so make sure you subscribe here!

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Drinking Culture with Michelle Smith.
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Today we sit down with Michelle Smith, founder of Recovery is the new black, a digital community for women. Michelle has worked in the mental health and behavioral health space for over 20 years. Michelle talks about her past and how it lead her to where she is now. Michelle is a wonderful person and is doing amazing work spreading awareness on sobriety, resources, treatment, and the perils of the "Mommy Wine Culture". There is so much gold in this episode and we hope you all enjoy the conversation. Stay tuned for the launch of Michelle's new book "Recovery is the new black" and make sure to watch her TedX talk on Youtube.
Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, tell a friend if you found value in the show. We appreciate your support in listening and being part of the solution!
Make sure to follow us on social - @elevateaddictionservices @angie.at.elevate @recoveryisthenewblack_
You can find us on the web -www.elevaterehab.org
With these current times, if you know anyone or are struggling with mental health/addiction yourself please reach out. There is help and there is hope, and there are solutions to these problems. Speak to our Admissions Counselors at 831-740-8298
You don’t ever want to miss a podcast, so make sure you subscribe here!